




this is a series of brief quotes in the spirt of critical book review:


 I highly encourage everyone to please purchase and read the books themselves !!   

These books are crucial to understanding what is currently happening on Earth.  


“The universe is not only stranger than we imagine — it’s stranger than you can imagine….”                  


"You need search no further than your inner self to discover beings of light whose far-distant planets circle serenely around their parent stars.   Always we have been with you.  In ancient times our light-pulsing ships traced rainbow-colored beacons before the stars.   The Apache,  the Arapaho,  and the aborigine gazed contentedly at the beautiful configurations our starships drew.   We were with you when Cro-Magnons traipsed on the chilly Russian steppes.   We were with you when Egyptians began to erect mammoth pyramids.  We were with you when Rome's Brilliant moment breathed its final sigh.   We were with you when China's Great Wall captured her citizens behind its huge barricade.   We were with you when massive stone temples sprouted out of the jungles of Peru and the Yucatan.   Our original contact is lost in the depths of antiquity.  Patiently,  we have observed the rise and fall of many human civilizations.  We have tracked your progress along the long road that leads to planetary maturity.  

Contemporary scientists focus gigantic telescopes upon the solar grids.  Cautiously,  in carefully phrased jargon, they explain that the dancing red, green, white, and blue pulsations heralding the presence of intergalactic ships are light-diffusing layers of atmospheric gas ! 

Listen carefully !   Think Clearly !   Starships must abide by physical law.  When we reduce our vibratory rate to occupy Earth space,  our maneuvers are kept well within the laws of applied third-dimensional physics. What is easily accomplished with prisms of light is equally done with fog and clouds.  Although we are quite capable of assuming the metallic appearance typical of your standard UFO sighting,  it is not our preferred mode of travel.  We much prefer to move through the quiescent harmonics of our fifth and sixth dimensions.   As the unknown becomes known,  your perceptive viewpoints will begin to shift.  Comprehend how creation is truly fashioned." 

                             —“Eagles of the New Dawn”,  Arcturian Contingent,  Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light  -- channelled by Patricia Pereira

"We, who are of the Arcturian contingent,  Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light,  announce our presence before humankind.   Hear us,  people of Earth,  for we have come to acquaint you with the processes of planetary evolution.  Our purpose is to invite you to the stars.  Our purpose is to awaken you to the experience of God's living presence as the focal point of your daily lives.  Our purpose is to guide you in unlocking and accessing the dormant functions of your minds.  

    Welcome us,  for we are of your family.  We have come to prepare you for the greatest event in Earth's history.   Within the realms of present-day scientific knowledge,  there is little that concurs with our methods;  however,  know that Earth is in the midst of an evolutionary event;  the transposition of her material body to that of the essence of Spirit.  Note well that the procedures and ramifications involved in the transformative process are manifesting galaxy wide as well as within your planetary home. 

    Within this manuscript we will endeavor,  as simply as possible, to refocus the priorities of your lives.  There will come a number of entities onto these pages.  The majority of us hail from the Arcturian planetary system,  although among us many star complexes, galaxies, and even universes are represented.  Our emissaries stand ready to greet you.  Eventually,  you will come to recognize us all,  for you are our lost brothers and sisters.  We serve under the auspices of Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy."

    —“Eagles of the New Dawn”,  Arcturian Contingent,  Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light  -- channelled by Patricia Pereira

Quoted from Joshua David Stone's book,  "Hidden Mysteries”                        

    "During the past five years I have developed an interest in understanding the nature and extent of extraterrestrial involvement with Planet Earth over the course of history.  A thousand books would probably not cover the topic, but I will attempt to provide a brief overview of the subject,  as I find it a curious phenomenon that a great many very devoted and spiritual people have very little knowledge about extraterrestrial involvement on Earth.

First of all,  God's infinite universe is filled with life.  It is the height of egoism to think that humans are the only life form to exist.  Extraterrestrials have been visiting the Earth since the beginning of time.  There were the electrical wars in pre-Lemurian times and later, in Atlantis and Egypt, extraterrestrials visited in great numbers.  In Atlantis they helped with crystal technologies and with the building of the great crystal,  which was the power source for the entire civilization of Atlantis.  Extraterrestrials have come from our galaxy as well as from distant galaxies. 

It is important at this point to say that I believe, based on the guidance I have received,  that ninety-five percent of all extraterrestrial contact with humans is of a positive nature.  Most of the civilizations are far beyond humanity on technological and spiritual levels.   One of the basic laws they follow is that of respecting the free choice of humans and never interfering unless they have been asked for help.   

One of the reasons there have been so many sighting of UFOs in recent years is that the inhabitants of Earth have moved into a fourth-dimensional consciousness,  and the planet has moved into sacred status.  These are system-wide events.   Each of the planets of this solar system could be likened to a chakra of the Sun or of the being that ensouls the solar system, Helios.

When one chakra goes through a major transformation it affects all the other chakras.  The extraterrestrials are aware of this transformation it affects all the other chakras.  The extraterrestrials are aware of this transformation the Earth is going through and are very interested in watching it and in helping humanity to move into the new age.   Many of the great advancements in Earth's past evolution have occurred because of extraterrestrial help.

One important thing to understand is that not all extraterrestrials have a human appearance.  This particular kind of physical body is called the Adam Kadmon type;  there are many other types of bodies that God has created.

Also let it be remembered that in past lives when humans have incarnated on other planets, they have inhabited some of these bodies themselves.  Humans need to get beyond their egotistical attachment to this particular form and realize that humanity is part of a galactic,  universal,  and cosmic family of intelligent life forms--  and most of them are far more advanced than this civilization.  

One of the reasons extraterrestrials are not more overt in their visits to Earth--  why they don't just make a landing on the White House lawn in full public view--  is that Earthlings have been too warlike.   Despite technological advancements,  Earth has been a spiritually backward planet."

                                                  -Hidden Mysteries -- "ETs, ancient mystery schools, and ascension", Joshua David Stone, 1995.        

This first quote is by Earth Humans — Dr. Norma J. Milanovich,  Betty Rice,  and Cynthia Ploski

 “Central to the enigma of the extraterrestrials is their purpose in being here.  Are they friends or foes, observers, villains,  or angels ? 

There is,  at this time,  relatively widespread acceptance of the fact that there are space vehicles visiting Earth.   Thousands of people have seen unidentified flying objects.   Some have seen them at close range,  some have seen occupants of these vehicles,  a few even have claimed to have had personal experiences aboard the spacecraft.

Whether or not one assumes that these reports are true,  there has been no clear account of the reasons why extraterrestrials are here.  One school of thought is that they are here on a “scientific expedition,”  to study Earth in all its aspects.   Some see the extraterrestrials as nefarious villains,  intent on controlling the Earth through secret agreements with our governments,  while conducting vile and bloody experiments on unwilling Earthlings.  

There are those who believe the extraterrestrials are here to revitalize their own fragile bodies by a program of crossbreeding with human beings,  thus introducing more hardy stock into their intellectually superior race.  Many people see them as godlike saviors of the world,  come to free the planet from the sorry mess we have made,  while some see them as God itself. 

The Arcturians,  speaking through Norma as a channel,  have sent Earthlings a gentle message regarding their purposes for being here.   They claim that they are here to assist the Earth as it enters a New Age of spirituality.   They cannot interfere with the free will or decision-making process of any Earthling.   They are here to educate us and to help us raise the vibrations of all who choose to journey to the level of the new dimensions that we are about to enter.  

They are here to help us understand the true nature of God,  ourselves,  and the universe.  The impression they give is that this journey is a personal one.  Each individual is important,  and the Earth will reflect the sum of all its parts.  Each personal journey is a part of the whole.  


The Second quote is by an Arcturian — called Spar, who is also a member of the Arcturian collective.  

 “Each soul on the planet has a program stamped on his or her soul that is that soul’s destiny.  Each has a separate path or program, but in the combination of all the paths comes the oneness of the plan for the mission. 

Many souls are so lost on the planet today that they may never recover in this lifetime from their journey of forgetfulness.   It will take many lifetimes for them to reach a level of enlightenment or consciousness whereby they will be able to access that coded document that is buried so deep within……..the plan is to first raise one’s own vibrations and consciousness,  and then to raise the vibrations of those around.   One cannot raise one’s own without acknowledging and respecting the Godlike force within.  One cannot raise the vibrations of the planet if he or she does not understand the concept of God being everywhere.”     


      "Today's unthinkable is tomorrow's convention."  

                      --Roy T. Maloney,  "Celestial Navigation Quick and Easy"

      "I was forty-eight years old when I became aware that I am telepathically connected with extraterrestrials from the Arcturian star system………"      

                            -Patricia Pereira 


 "Certainly,  we are aware that most consider the possibility of extraterrestrial life extremely suspect,  let alone that such oddities may be intelligent, spiritual,  and peaceful.   Beings who serve the Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light are stationed in Earth's spatial regions for explicit purposes.  It is not an aspect of our natures to be secretive,  and our motivations and methods are well outlined in many "channeled"  materials rapidly becoming available throughout much of human society.   For a moment,  set aside the notion that UFOs containing buggy-eyed slimy-green monsters may be hovering above you,  for the authenticity of extraterrestrials is not the primary theme of this essay.  Our point is that due to Earth's refining energies it is urgently necessary for you to vastly widen your perceptions of reality.  We challenge you to evolve your traditional third-dimensional viewpoints to embrace a much broader universal cosmology."          

    -- Palpae,   Eagles of the New Dawn  -Arcturian Contingent,  Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light  -channelled by Patricia Pereira


"You are now becoming aware that the stars are summoning you,  and their tantalizing songs tug at you.  You know you have begun a process of personal evolution that will culminate in your being welcomed aboard the starships by members of you light-family.   In preparation for unencumbered travel in the higher realms,  you must first learn to recognize the subtle nuances of your inner voices and acknowledge the luminescent visions that spark your heart-minds desires.  You must carefully cultivate an overwhelming urge to live a holy,  saintly life.   Before you are allowed access onto the interstellar pathways,  you must make the long,  often difficult journey that leads to ultimate self-mastery.   Until humans learn to discern the landscapes of the inner worlds,  they will be limited to traveling through space in cumbersome metallic cans.  They will be reduced to laboring on the surfaces of planets and moons while encased in plastic and rubber apparel.   So trite,  So restricting !   Freedom is denied only because humans fear the ramifications of responsible cosmic citizenship.  

Eventually,   our crystalline ships will fly humans who make a choice for light ascension to the stars.  Commitment to attain spiritual mastery is a primary focus of the galactic contract,  which will bring evolved humans into perpetual Oneness with the multidimensional residents of the great star nation.  This contract is binding and its simple tenets are based on universal Love. 

Seeking humans are already more or less cognizant of the nature of the contract.   Certainly,  documents generated by the star councils and the Spiritual Hierarchy contain no secrets for the sole benefit of priests,  presidents,  and kings.   

The covenant between occupants of the star councils and evolving Earth inhabitants will be agreed upon by individuals,  free will intact,  prior to their welcome into the greater cosmic community as fully participating citizens."

"Scan the skies of the return of the Dove.  It carries in Its beak a sprig of celestial holly --  a branch of hope,  peace,  and love -- principle gifts to your forlorn world.  Rejoice !   Your anguish and pain are softly fading.   Children of the Earth,  never forget that you are cherished,  protected,  and dearly loved by your family from the stars."

           —“Eagles of the New Dawn”,  Arcturian Contingent,  Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light  -- channelled by Patricia Pereira


    "Those who have journeyed this far into the manuscript should be aware by now that all it takes to communicate with us is an open and quiet mind.  The telepathic process requires that you be willing to intimately integrate your ego personality with other minds.  To begin,  you must be constantly alert to and honor the resonating presence of your guides,  for they stand ready to teach,  assist,  and counsel you."

                                                                                                                                                             -”Eagles of the New Dawn”                                                                                                                                                                                                -channelled by Patricia Pereira                                   

"The Arcturians recognize Christ Consciousness as one who has incarnated upon Earth many times to serve all humanity,  not only as Jesus,  but also as Krishna,  Buddha,  Lao Tzu,  Moses,  Mohammed,  Quetzalcoatl,  and The Dawn Star,  among others……."

                                --Eagles of the New Dawn                                                                                                                                                                                                    -channelled by Patricia Pereira

 "There is no truth or reality outside of yourself.  You are the totality of the universe, and the oneness with God.   It is all contained within,  and the journey need go no further than quieting the outer self for the purpose of discovering the wonders and the beauty from within."   

                                                                                   -Herdonitic and Juluionno,  We, The Arcturians

    "It is not necessary ever to feel that you are alone.   Summon us to abide as One with you.   Assimilate the truth of our mutual being,  the truth of who we really are,   the children of the stars…"

     -”Eagles of the New Dawn”                                                                                                                                                                                                -channelled by Patricia Pereira   

         "Beloved ones,  we challenge you to express Love !   We challenge you to radiate Light !    In an ecstatic display of Light-Love,  we embrace all awakening humans and our precious starseeds.   Adonai. " 

     -”Eagles of the New Dawn”                                                                                                                                                                                                -channelled by Patricia Pereira   


    “ Pronouncements of Universal Law thoughtfully outline in the pages of this and many other celestially inspired manuscripts pulsate like drops of rain descending upon Earth from cloud-cloaked starships.  The Law of One is easily followed.  Those who will themselves to spiritually mature by practicing unconditional Love will eventually don the golden luminescence that is characteristic of a light-world being.    

    As the golden age settles in,  it will no longer be an experiment in futility for those who live upon this planet to harmoniously sustain themselves.  All who inhabit Earth will know rapturous abundance and sustainable peace as a constant life condition.   

    As thought energy fades,  Malantor softly exits this essays contours.  


                                             -Malantor    —Songs of Malantor —channelled by Patricia Pereira


“Those who seek God will find God.   Those who do not will not.   The ultimate test of these evolutionary times is for humans to learn to completelyand utterly trust that they can,  in all matters,  rely upon Source Creator’s universe to provide them with constant abundance,  in all its rich and varied aspects.  Those who continuously call God to them shine forth in glory,  and their auras are as brilliant as the brightest sun.  Those eagles of the new dawn who are taking it upon themselves to see that God’s Greater Works on Earth be done are rising like phoenixes from the ashes of the unconscious masses.”

-Malantor    —Songs of Malantor —channelled by Patricia Pereira

The quote beneath is channelled by Dr. Norma J. Milanovich,  — from Soltec,  ascended master/historian,  and member of the Arcturian collective.    As told in the excellent book“We, The Arcturians” 

 “First of all,  we are here on a mission of peace.  The real reason that we have arrived is to help Earth increase its vibrational frequency as it undergoes birthing into the New Age.  

    We are also here to awaken and protect the children of Light.   We are here for the purpose of God and God’s plan, and it is in this state of Being that we come in friendship.  A mission as important as this one cannot be completed by increasing the vibrational frequency around the beloved Earth alone.   One of the ways we accomplish this is by working with children of Light to change their vibrational frequencies.   To do this in a lasting fashion,  we have to educate them in areas that their souls already know. 

    In the past, we have tried many plans to communicate.   What we find the most difficult to accomplish in this area is to penetrate the forces that control the average souls on the planet.  Two of these forces are the government and the military of many countries.”         


    “Interestingly enough,  government officials have consistently turned us over to the military commands to discuss information whenever we have made a contact,  which makes us ask the question,  “who is really in charge?” 

    It has not bothered us that much;  however,  we foresee that it may bother people at the local levels of your existence when this information reaches them.   The ironic dilemma that has faced us has been that we are on a mission of love and peace,  and we are sent to those who defend your borders against wars.   Somehow this does not match the mission.”   

    “We love and appreciate our communicants for their openness and willingness to take us into their homes. 

We cannot and will not go where we are not welcome.  That is a supreme rule and command that we must follow. 

We cannot interfere with the free will of individuals

    The instances whereby we have more prolonged with the individuals on your planet have been when we have been sought out by people themselves.   In many cases,  there is an openness and awareness on the part of many souls that actually have reached us before we had the opportunity to catch their vibrational quality on our screens. We have the ability to work with all souls on Earth,  but in reality we work with fewer than one percent. 

The number of countries in which we presently are working is 33.    We also have had the privilege of establishing connections with the civilizations in Middle Earth,  and we do much work with those individuals too.  

    Our mission is to raise the entire vibrational quality of the planet.   What this means is that it is a united effort,  and many souls all over and within the planet are being introduced to our work.  

    The gigantic problem with which you are faced in making the transition into the New Age indeed is underestimated by most souls in embodiment on Earth.   There is no way that you could do this yourselves,  in the present situation and state of mind that the planet is experiencing.  There is no way that you could survive and bring the beloved Terra to her destiny and the dignity that she so deserves.   

    So,  we are here to usher in the volumes of love and Light that are necessary to birth the soul of the New Age.  In order to do this with all the proper respect,  the Earth inhabitants must be reacquainted with their birthright. 

That right is knowing and experiencing the God-Self.  

That is our curriculum.   That is the plan.  

    The way we are managing to bring this new awareness to your planet is though education, medicine, healing, the arts and entertainment.  These are just a few of the areas.  For,  just as your educational systems prepare you in many disciplines for a fulfilling,  productive life;  so must we reeducate the masses in a multidisciplinary fashion. 

    Therefore,  the information is being received and shared by many,  and it is the Earth inhabitants who are sharing and transforming the information.   There is only one curriculum.  That is the curriculum of God,  and the understanding that this is the only force there is that sustains all of life.  As soon as more souls understand this,  and truly anchor it into their consciousness,  then the volume and intensity of Light on the planet will be raised.”  


    "Heretics are ahead of their time.  The heretical ideas that come onto the planet always prove to be brilliant later.  So have courage;  it only seems as if these new ideas are being ridiculed.  You must remember that there is much activity in the nonphysical realms to assist you and that,  even though each of you has your own blueprint and plan to evolve into,  you are part of a global blueprint and a global consciousness.  You are firing that global blueprint to change completely."  

                                                                                           —Pleiadian Collective,  from "Bringers of the Dawn —channelled by Barbara Marciniak

  "You each know that you are here in a time sequence that is quite profound.  The age that has been written about,  whispered about,  and spoken about is upon you.   It is the age when humanity physically mutates before your eyes and literally turns into something that it was not a short time before.  What do humans beings turn into?   It is quite simple:  Human beings turn into multidimensional beings."    

                             —Pleiadian Collective,  from "Bringers of the Dawn —channelled by Barbara Marciniak

  "We will say to you very honestly that fear will always play a part in your evolutionaryprocess,  so get used to it.  Do not feel that fear is bad.  When you succumb to your fears and allow yourself to buy into them,  then you must cycle through them and experience all you feel so that you can overcome them.   Begin to say,  "I will transmute this fear.  I will understand that it is part of the plan.   I will understand that it can serve me."    Remember,  your power and your ability to create reality through your will ends where your fear begins.  And we will tell you--  life is meeting fear.   Begin to look at the events of your life and how you create them.  Understand that you always create them to serve you.  You are trained for this.  You are coded for this."     

—Pleiadian Collective,  from "Bringers of the Dawn —channelled by Barbara Marciniak

  "What we are saying is that emotions,  or feelings, are the key to being alive in this reality.   Many realities exist without emotions,  but in this reality they are your greatest gift.  If you deny your emotional self in this lifetime,  then you had best realizethat you have hung it up.   If you are not going to be part of your emotional self,  then you are never going to make the game we are talking about.   You will simply be one of the masses who watches television and feels like a victim over and over again.  If you are feeling pain within your emotional body,  ask yourself why you believe the pain is there,  what purpose the pain serves,  and why you are choosing to create pain through your emotions.  Why is it not your choice to create joy?   All is choice.   We need to remind you of this."                         

—Pleiadian Collective,  from "Bringers of the Dawn —channelled by Barbara Marciniak                                                                                                                             

"We want to assist you to place a greater focus on yourself,  because this step is essential for your development.  It is no easy task to preform,  yet the formula is the simplest of all possible recipes.  

Simply combine your attention,  your breath,  your will,  all aligned with your heart and your mind --  the mind in your brain and the mind in your belly.  Actually, by utilizing the wholeness of your being,  you expand and fill your auric field,  the bubble of electromagnetic energy around you, with who you are…….You are a biological mechanism designed with impeccability and are being upgraded at warp speed by the great electromagnetic and cosmic waves that Earth is now passing through in space…….. When you breathe with relaxation during the unfolding changes,  you can connect with a vibration that accommodates rapid accelerated change.  We give out this vibration and seek those who are willing to transmute themselves and rise to the great task of becoming energized vibrating beings in a world filled with poisons, toxins, and fears.  Will you recognize them and create you own frequency ?"         

                                     —Pleiadian Collective,  channelled by Barbara Marciniak

"Perhaps your being,  your thinking,  and your life are changing.  If so , then sit up straight,  take a deep breath,  and say to yourself,  "Ah ha ! The journey is on.  I am on a path to change !"

—Pleiadian Collective,  channelled by Barbara Marciniak

"We ask you to dive deeper into yourself and see who you are.  Where are you going to take yourself ?    What are you going to do with your new vista and view of the world?   The change that is upon you,  like a fan unfolding,  is just the beginning.  Soon the fan will begin to move faster and faster, and ideally you will learn to know who you are and to find yourself during the process of psychic acceleration,  where you become more astute and aware.  The more you are willing to go inside and address who you are,  to unite with the flame in the core of your being and to keep it burning with the faith that you are on a path of purpose,  the more you will become a pioneer altering a paradigm that has been locked and frozen for thousands of years.  Perhaps you are a ray of light,  and from the quiet of your own home you melt the polar ice caps,  and in the perseverance of your own being,  you change the world.  We ask you to be steadfast in the quiet of each moment,  because your power lies in your every breath feeding the idea,  the belief that you are a magnificent biological structure.  You are timed,  coded,  designed and planned to be activated to the height of your abilities in the Now.  This Now,  of course, is but a moment in time,  a fleeting moment from our point of view.   We have spoken of it as the junction point between 1987 and 2012,  the bridge to the twenty-first century."

—Pleiadian Collective,  channelled by Barbara Marciniak


"What is the galactic truth:  who is out there,  who are they,  where did they come from,  why are they here,  and what do they want?   Who is telling the truth?  Why do all these stories conflict?  Why are there so many Gods?   Which God is God and whose God is God?  Seeking answers to galactic truths will launch an era of new thinking,  and this is the territory you must map.  You are pioneering this new territory,  yet it is really no different than the territories your ancestors pioneered."

  —Pleiadian Collective,  channelled by Barbara Marciniak

 "The first and final tenet:   thought creates.    No matter what situation you find yourself in,  it is the power of your thoughts that got you there.  It is also the impeccable belief that thought creates that will transform your experience and the planetary existence."      

  —Pleiadian Collective,  channelled by Barbara Marciniak

“For the last half-million years,  various civilizations on Earth have been seed from different star systems that were part of the original library program.  Each appeared at a different time period,  penetrating a controlled force field that isolated Earth and kept it inaccessible as a library.  These civilizations could not establish ownership here,  so they left clues or steps to the ladder as part of the master plan.  

    When enough humans can read the clues seeded by these civilizations,  Earth’s keys for harmonious cosmic existence will be understood.  Egyptians, Incas,  Balinese, Greeks,  Tibetans,  Sumerians,  Native Americans,  Maya,  Aboriginals,  and many, many other indigenous peoples have contributed keys of understanding,  all pointing to the heavens.  If present day human could read the steps and clues left by these cultures,  they could once again liberate and own Earth.   Each culture,  in some way,  held the Library open and was able to infuse its civilization with life-charging stellar connections.  Each was creatively unique,  leaving a mysterious psychic footprint in your cellular memory as a piece of the puzzle.”

  —Pleiadian Collective,  channelled by Barbara Marciniak

“You know that a few people rule your world and have done so for a long long time.  The few over the many. 

 As we mentioned,  the gods came here eons ago and mated with humans;  they stopped off here,  stayed a few hundred years,  and were gone.  They started the lineage of blue blood,  which indicates a stellar link to the heavens.  Because everything is transferred from ancestor to ancestor,  those who track their bloodlines and claim celestial lineage are very careful to keep themselves together.  In general they do not spread their vibration or ancestral seed to those they control.  They form a select group,  a cabal, and rule your world in secret.   You know some of them,  others you do not.   When the gods came,  they left a hierarchy of presidents and popes,  kings and queens,  princes and princesses and patriarchs.   There are those who are very knowledgeable about planetary history,  and they do indeed understand that another form of intelligence has been communicating with your world for eons.  They keep that knowledge to themselves because they have been so instructed.

    The gods have not really gone away;  they have simply taken a nap.  Time is different for them so it appears that the gods have forgotten you,  but they have not.  They are here,  and this is why you must awaken.  You must ask: who are the gods ?  Who are the invisible forces ?  Who is the Family of Light?  Who is Family of Dark?  Who are the Gods of Family of Dark?  Who are the Gods of Family of Light?    Who are the Goddesses of everyone ?  And who am I in this process ?”   


                                                                                                                               --The Pleiadians

                                                                                                                              --channelled by Barbara Marciniak

                                                                                                                               --Family of Light

                                                                                                                                 --pg.  42


"As a human being,  know that you are here to live and that everything you meet in your day-to-day experience is part of the lessons in living.  You can turn your lessons into toxic poisons or you can find the frequency of love inside yourself,  turning all situations into a loving lesson of opportunity; it is all up to you.

Remember, you choose when to be born,  your own divine moment;  you map yourself through eons of existence,  and then by some fixation of reality,  you forget.  You forget so you can live.   Periods of living with forgetfulness have their tests within corrals of being,  and now the corrals are being knocked down because the winds of change are here to disperse your thinking,  your perceptions,  and your ideas of yourself. 

You must learn to believe in your own uniqueness,  your ability to create, for genius is sprouting inside of you.   It is important to love yourself and love what has happened in your life,  to vibrate with a frequency of acceptance and understanding and to find the lessons within experience.  This attitude will create wellness in your being;  for loving yourself enhances your immune system,  changes your cells,  and allows you to become immune to toxicities,  because the frequency of love is the most powerful force in existence."        


                                                                                                                                       —Pleiadian Collective                                         

                                                                                                                                        —channelled by Barbara Marciniak




    (Channeled from the Sirian High Council,  a positive group, not to be confused with negative ET’s originating from Sirius)

“Quoted from High Sirian Council,  in “The Starseed Dialogues”,  channeled by Patricia Cori


    “We are stating that of the abduction reports from hundreds of thousands of individuals in your populations worldwide,  most have been dealing with Grey technicians and that the purpose of their abductions of human beings is to catalog and store human genetic and reproductive material to be used in creating a new species — yes.   

       However,  we ask you always to bear in mind that many of the abduction scenarios described by victimized human beings are,  in actuality,  you own government secret operatives taking citizens for their own agendas.  They operate under the guise of extraterrestrials,  because it is an excellent cover and it dismisses the contact as a fraud or a victim of his/her own delusions.”         


 (question) Why would the Secret Government go to such great lengths to conduct these abductions and yet cover them up to the mainstream?  


    “If you begin with the precept that the Secret Government is actually run by alien Annunaki and their hybrid offspring — you should be able to reach your own conclusions.   

    You are being lied to,  misled,  and misdirected with the intent of frightening you into submission, while the Power sets up a scenario that you are helpless before a future of alien contact.   

Inherent in their design,  you understand, is the fear-based,  controlling paradigm that manipulates the population into believing that only they, your leaders, can save you from the ultimate “terrorists”:  your perennial nemesis.      

Clearly, your growing awareness that the very ones who would position themselves as your saviors from alien invaders are themselves aliens creates a wildly fantastic story-line that few can imagine and to which even fewer would dare speak. 


               However, we know you know better. 


           We know you can see beyond. 


If you are reading these messages it is because you have the vision to see past the camouflage that is being created for you and we are committed to helping as many of you as we possibly can to see beyond the secrets and lies and to awaken to new horizons for the soul of humanity.  

We are committed to helping you to embrace this moment,  rather than to fear it and we have found the channel who dares to speak of such realities.  

    She,  in turn, has found you — who dare to listen.”  


“question - “What effect will their arrival — the contact moment — have upon the human race ?”


“Ask yourself what it will mean to the human race to finally have undeniable,  unquestionable proof of alien visitation:  validation that the Universe is filled with intelligent,  communicating civilizations dedicated to the exploration of life throughout the galaxy and to peaceful co-existence within that shared level of reality.  


Despite your media machines’ depictions of the most nightmarish alien caricatures,  you hope and dream of an interplanetary community — the Star Trek archetype. Imagine how your world populations will react to finally being contacted by intelligent, peaceful beings whose purpose in coming to you is to welcome you into a galactic community,  where intercultural exchange and communication between worlds are the goal and the reality.  

No longer will you be limited to conjecture, secret agendas, doubt, or denial:  no longer will the Power hold the knowledge in their hands. 

Alien races,  many strikingly similar to yours,  will stand before you, en masse, at the appointed hour.

Rest assured, you will be utterly amazed to find that in so many ways you will feel you are looking into a mirror, seeing your own reflection — perhaps your future selves — shining back to you.  

What will it mean to know that all the petty wars now destroying your world have been distracting you from ever believing that there can be harmony between “different” races,  religions, and countries —  all that separates you from the other ?


War on Earth, with all its profiteering and senseless violence, will cease. 

What will it mean to you to be released, finally, from the orphanage of your isolation and take your rightful place in the galactic family ?  Hatred will be replaced with wonder and a most resounding sense of communion.

What effect will this have on the entire human race — when you finally recognize the Truth to the undying question of life beyond your tiny station in the Cosmos of Soul ?

That is a question only you and the other six and one-half billion individuals on your planet can answer for each and for the entirety…… and answer it you will in the days that lie before your passage. 

We, however, believe that the hardened shell of denial that encases the mass of human consciousness will crack wide open,  and from that impenetrable carapace of fear and ignorance will emerge, at long last, Galactic Homo sapiens. 


To learn that the Universe is filled with civilizations of beings,  many of which are populated by almost exact replicas of human form and genetic structure, will be,  of itself, the ascension of spirit and soul.”


                                        -Patricia Cori,  The StarSeed Dialogues

                                        --channelled from the Sirian High Council

                                        — pg. 96



    "The intellect may question beauty,  but the heart embraces it --- unconditionally.   Love is all there is. 

There is no challenge in finding beauty in light,  where all is filled with the glow of wonder and spirit.  Souls in perennial evolution,  the test we have placed before our own eyes is to find beauty even in darkness,  for that is our learning field.    There is where we learn the responsibility of our own creations and is that not our true purpose-- our reason to exist?   These are the tests of the true Initiate.  We accept the darkness (insofar as we learn to own our responsibility for our part in it)  and we strive to shine the light of consciousness into those dark corners.  We are grateful to know how majestically we finally move beyond it-- an experience that you,  the awakening,  are soon to share.  We do not have expectations of what you are to believe or embrace as Truth, for we have always told you that it resides in your hearts.  However,  sweet soul,  we do invite you to rise above your despair to:     

Seek light and you will feel it shine upon you   ---  seek love and you will feel its embrace.  -- seek forgiveness and you will quickly learn the purpose of the shadow."        

                                                                                                                   -Patricia Cori,  The StarSeed Dialogues

                                                                                                                      --channelled from the Sirian High Council



 "Despite appearances,  nothing is "accidental" in the theater of life,  however convincing is the illusion that life happens 'to you.

Be fearless,  trusting that the higher self knows exactly where it need be and that the soul is clear for take-off,  majestically awaiting its turn on the runway to the stars.  There will be healing to be done,  the clearing of unharmonious thought forms,  the unplugging of karmic cords,  and the release from earth grids.  All of this you will do in full consciousness and forgiveness,   recognizing how you co-create all reality."    


                                                                                                                        -Patricia Cori,  The StarSeed Dialogues

                                                                                                                            -channelled from the Sirian High Council



"Remembering what we have told you in the teachings,  that we are you in the context of your future selves……  that should not be surprising to you.   What is of importance here is the entirety -- the solar logos as it is comprised of all life,  all form, all the planetary beings of Ra,  all consciousness--  not just individual units of life on the Great Planet Earth.  To those of you who come away from this thought wondering at which level you will find yourselves,  know this:  your soul has already set its course and it is your every thought,  every action,  and every word that lead you to your next stop on the highway of existence.   Beware not the ramblings of your wildest imagination.  It is your ability to love unconditionally,  beyond ego gratification, past the concerns of your personality.  It is the heart,  dear ones:   the heart,  the heart,  the heart."  


                                                                                                                       -Patricia Cori,  The StarSeed Dialogues                                                

                                                                                                                             -channelled from the Sirian High Council



  "There are 400 billion stars in our galaxy,  and there are 50 billion galaxies"  --Roy T. Maloney


 "Absence of evidence, isn't evidence of absence."   -Roy T. Maloney


“Infinite Love is the only truth -- Everything else is illusion.”   - David Icke


   “Love is dynamic.  It can never be captured;  it is alive,  free, thrilling, and always moving.  Man can never take the love of the Father and imprison it within his heart.  The Father’s love can become real to mortal man only by passing through that man’s personality as he in turn bestows this love upon his fellows.  Love is the desire to do good to others.”  

                                        -- Urantia Book  



Urantia Book:


  “When your earthly course in temporary form has been run, you are to awaken on the shores of a better world..... You humans have begun an endless unfolding of an almost infinite panorama, a limitless expanding of never-ending, ever-widening spheres of opportunity for exhilarating service, matchless adventure, sublime uncertainty, and boundless attainment.”   

                    Urantia book --(p1194, par. 1)


  “Your world, Urantia, is one of many similar inhabited planets which comprise the local universe of Nebadon.  The immensity of the far-flung creation of the Universal Father is utterly beyond the grasp of finite imagination....... The myriads of Planetary systems were all made to be eventually inhabited….."  


                                        -Urantia Book -- (pg. 21. par. 2)



  “The sincerity of any Prayer is the assurance of its being heard..... God answers the soul’s attitude, not the words..... Pray only for values, not things;  for growth, not for gratification.”   

                                              -Urantia Book (p. 1002, par. 4,5)


 “Angels do not have material bodies,  but they are definite and descrete beings;  they are of spirit nature and origin.  Though invisible to mortals,  they perceive you as you are in the flesh.... They are fully cognizant of your moral struggles and spiritual difficulties.  They love human beings,  and only good can result from your efforts to understand and love them.”    

                                             --Urantia Book  (p. 419, par. 1)


“Religion is man’s supreme experience in the mortal nature, but finite language makes it forever impossible for theology ever adequately to depict real religious experience….. Religious insight possesses the power of turning defeat into higher desires and new determinations. Love is the highest motivation which man may utilize in his universe ascent. But love, divested of truth, beauty, and goodness, is only a sentiment, a philosophic distortion, a psychic illusion, a spiritual deception……"

                                        -Urantia book


 "The great challenge to modern man is to achieve better communication with the divine Monitor that dwells within the human mind. Man’s greatest adventure in the flesh consists in the well-balanced and sane effort to advance the borders of self-consciousness out through the dim realms of embryonic soul-consciousness in a wholehearted effort to reach the borderland of spirit-consciousness — contact with the divine presence……"                                                                

                                        -Urantia book

                                              (paper 196)


"In this view the earth is a kind of playground "in which one is free to experience all the pleasures of the flesh provided one realizes that one is a holographic projection ofa higher-order spatial dimension.  If this is true, the evolutionary fires that are beginning to flicker and dance through our collective psyche may be our wake up call, the trumpet note informing us that our true home is elsewhere and we can return there if we wish.  Strieber, for one, believes this is precisely why UFOs are here:  "I think that they are probably midwifing our birth into the nonphysical world -- which is their origin.  My impression is that the physical world is only a small instant in a much larger context and that reality is primarily unfolding in a non-physical way.  I don't think that physical reality is the original source of being.  I think that being, as consciousness,  probably predates the physical."           


                                    --Michael Talbot,  The Holographic Universe



 "And perhaps that is why the beings of light tell us again and again that the purpose of life is to learn."


                                    --Michael Talbot,  The Holographic Universe



 "Any hesitation that you feel is only indicative of a continued trust in fear and reason.  These are the false gods of this age.  They will continue to enslave you until your trust is restored in Love and Life.  Trust God implicitly,  and the Truth of His divine design will be revealed in every situation.  This design is your own operating manual.  Ignore it in favor of your own interpretations and you are ignoring the blueprint for your identity.  Specific information for each and every situation is being supplied to you constantly by the source of infinite knowledge.  Why not trust it?  Your first impulse will always be,  as it has always been,  the programmatic instruction from your subliminal analysis system,  the advice of your Creator.  It will be a direct message from your true self,  the impulse of Life,  the gateway to all that you call heaven.  It is the spontaneous spark of divinity as it differentiates through you into your environmental situation.  It can assess and evaluate the factors present in any situation at a rate of speed far exceeding a rational thought process.  You have all the pertinent information in the Universe available simply for the asking.   When you are aware of your totality,  the life-impulse will transmit to you everything that you need to know in any given situation.  Its message will always come as your first spontaneous impulse.  Be attentive."

                                                                                                                                          --  channelled by Ken Carey

                                                                                                                                                 -The StarSeed Transmissions                                            



"Truth is stranger than Fiction"


           "Tranquility is the Savior

           Tranquility is the lodge house of the survivors

           Tranquility is the norm of God's Creation.

           Tranquility is a state of being worth striving for.  

           May tranquility fill your loins, may your bones fill with

           tranquility's vibrant essence.  May blessed peace illuminate

           the contours of your entire body. 

          May tranquility's perfumed aromas fill the passages of

          your mind.  May your nostrils flare as tranquility's sweet

          bouquet stimulates your desire,  your appetite for God. 

          Be bold in your spiritual search.  

          Be an adventurer seeking immortal truths. 

          Do not let the wayward glances of others distract

          you from your Soul's path.  

          Is there any other delight worth pursuing?

          Can any essence fill one to overflowing as do the

          Magnificent robes of God's creation?

          May none other come before you!

          Fly as innocently as a bluebird winging into  

          the ecstasy of the future.  For it will come

          to pass that all sorrow will evaporate from the

          lands of Earth as if a great fog lifted from before

            your eyes. "            


                       —Songs of Malantor      

                        -Arcturian Contingent,  Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light

                                   channelled by Patricia Pereira



  "Understanding the frequency of love is your ultimate lesson in living.  To manifest it,  all you have to do is feel it;  however you know it is the hardest thing for you to do.   Yet each of you comes here for love because nowhere else in existence is love as varied and rich,  as unbounded,   untethered,  and unique as here on the fringes of the Milky Way Galaxy on what we call the Library of Earth."                


                                                                                                                                                                     -Barbara Marciniak

                                                                                                                                                                   --Family of Light

                                                                                                                                                    -channelled from the Pleiades  -pg. 29  


  "To become consciously aware of the spiritual levels of the Universe,  you must direct a process of self-discovery inwardly.  To uncover the essential beauty that resides underneath egocentric karmic debris requires a deep dive through the dark night of the soul.   Essentially,  awakening has nothing to do with accumulating knowledge of extra-terrestrials,  visiting power spots,  or performing rituals -- or even with psychic ability.   These things are simply something to know and something to do.


            Awakening has everything to do with accepting self as soul.  


When that goal is reached,  you will realize what an expansive being you truly are.  When you know without a doubt that your natural form is effervescent star-quality light,  you will be able to move quickly through the vagaries of your physical body's spatial-time setting.  As an awakened being,  you will be able to dissipate any energies that hold your ego thoughts in apathy and despair.  You will rekindle your flame of commitment to face life's challenges through acts of compassionate,  unconditional Love.   You will recognize the impermanent nature of temporal grief.  You will align yourself with synchronous timing whenever you find yourself in the right place at the right time;  you will learn to interpret the symbolic nature of repetitive events.    Our task is to assist you in shucking off restrictive chains of gravitational karma so your unencumbered soul may soar freely through the heavens.  We are helping you construct a foundation from which you may experience yourself as Soul in physical expression."            


                                                                                                                                           -Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light

                                                                                                                             -Arcturian Contingent,  Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light

                                                                                                                                                  -channelled by Patricia Pereira



  "Every Earth culture has been gifted with sacred teachings,  written and spoken texts to encourage the inhabitants of a world shrouded in darkness to seek light.  The most basic of the teachings is so simple to comprehend that even the smallest child can easily understand it :       

         “To love one another unconditionally."              


                                                                                                                                    -- Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light

                                                                                                                           -Arcturian Contingent,  Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light

                                                                                                                                           channelled by Patricia Pereira



"You may choose to cling, in denial,  to what you have been told and what you have been taught.  Or you may be amongst the first to know the wonders of a world in which you are truly a pioneer.  The guidebooks have yet to be written.  For those of you who have ventured forth on uncharted ground will have forged a trail,  through your own experience of day-to-day living,  that the others who follow in your footsteps will herald as gospel.    The truth you speak,  as you share you life experience with the others who walk beside you during this extraordinary time of transition,  will form the foundation of a reality that is both new and timeless……….

……And in this lifetime, you have chosen to give yourself the experiences that carve the truth of the momentum of change, indelibly,  in the stone of your consciousness.  You have chosen to be present and to partake of the voyage.  You have chosen to venture forth and confront the experience of the great unknown,  in order that you might relay that knowingness to others who have yet to encounter the shifting tides of your reality."        




This is just a tiny list of all the different books and resources out there.    Once you start exploring this subject, you realize that there is a massive amount of information just waiting for anyone who wants to seek it out.

There is also a huge amount of fakery and phonies and internet trolls and disinformation as well.    

Your heart and you intuition should be able to tell you which is which.   

Thank you so much for reading my humble contribution,

and wishing you the very best on your own personal journey through the cosmos…




                                                                                         May 5th, 2017



                ………………Their Message Has Arrived…………….